
Les podcast de
Michel Devos

Transitional CIO

Transformer pro.

Discover all the contributions

Michel Devos

on the Pro. of the Transfo.

Michel Devos is a member of the Infortive community, the first community of interim CIOs in France. He is the guest of Bertran Ruiz, CEO of the AirSaaS company and producer of the CIO Revolution Podcast. This episode is part of the special season: The transition CIO to face crises - in partnership with Infortive.

A computer engineer by training, our great witness had as a common thread the desire to build himself through legitimacy and skills in order to be a manager who is always able to understand the jobs and activities of teams.

He has a professional experience of 35 years with the first part of his career where he went from being a developer to a DSI then a series of missions in companies in difficulty, at key moments in their history to help them reach new heights. Safran, Thales, Barclays, Harmonia Mutuelle, Videlio,...

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