The modern project management dashboard

Like any executive team, the IT Department has a constant need to measure its activity: only in this way can it optimize each of its project management processes, and reduce the number of slippages with serious negative consequences for the customer (cost overruns, project delivery deadlines...).

Measuring performance through indicators enables you to fine-tune the changes you need to implement in order to boost your departments' productivity, and to execute even more ambitious projects. Measuring and monitoring key indicators then enables improvements, optimizations and the implementation of ambitious steering strategies with general management.

pourquoi AirSaas

AirSaas, the project management dashboard for CIOs

Innovation is becoming increasingly important for companies: digital projects are multiplying, and their success is becoming a prerequisite for an organization's competitiveness. As a result, companies are placing ever-increasing demands on CIOs, who often find themselves at the heart of new strategies. Our project management dashboard has been designed to enable IT Departments to respond to business needs, and to collaborate closely with business units.

Driving by value

One of the keys to ensure the sustainability of your company is to know how to prioritize projects in order to prioritize those that will create the most value. If the IT department wants to be efficient, it must create indicators that will enable management to make the best decisions and ensure optimal management of IT projects.

To do this, you need to be able to effectively keep board members informed. A project management dashboard with indicators that provide visibility in three of the main areas is the ideal tool for this, enabling you to:

  • Plan and follow-up on each project
  • Monitor available resources
  • Manage your budget

AirSaas offers 3 views to provide total visibility on your projects:

A follow-up of the progress of each of your projects, with the most important indicators. This way you always know what the next step is to develop your projects.

Portfolio projects list
Vue Kanban

A Kanban view that helps you identify general trends among your projects in order to optimize your management strategy.

A Timeline view to organize the execution of all your projects over the long term. It allows you to identify work overloads in advance and anticipate delays.

Vue timeline

You can filter these views according to different indicators: their importance to the company, the project's timeframe, the teams working on it, the goals assigned to it, etc.

AirSaas thus simplifies the management of your resources and budgets: you can create different scenarios, plan the execution of several projects, and observe their impact on your performance.

In this way, you can allocate your workforce optimally.

Impliquez toutes les parties prenantes

Involve all stakeholders

The ultimate goal is to deliver a project that fully satisfies your client while meeting deadlines. To achieve this, it is essential to involve your client from the scoping phase and throughout the execution of the project.

You must also be able to keep your leadership team constantly informed of the progress and status of all your projects, to enable them to manage the company as effectively as possible.

We have created two tools to help you achieve these goals.

Gain time and control

Start now with an effective project flash report solution

The automated flash report

While reporting is essential to the smooth running of a project, it is too often neglected - mainly because it requires a lot of time. This is why you can automatically generate flash reports with AirSaas. Exportable in PDF or PowerPoint format, they allow you to communicate your progress to all parties involved in your projects.

The flash report consists of two slides: one summarizes all the scoping information, while the other contains all the information necessary for the successful execution of the project.

Rapport flash automatique
Sondage collaborateurs

The membership indicator, to conduct surveys

The chances of a project's success increase when its stakeholders are confident in its execution. We have created an anonymous survey tool to help you gauge the level of confidence that each party has in your projects. This will enable you to react in time to avoid delivering a product that falls far short of your client's expectations.

You can send this survey to everyone involved in your project in less than a minute. Regularly polling their level of confidence will enable you to ensure a result that lives up to everyone's expectations.

Project management dashboard: why is it crucial for an IT department?

As digital technology develops, IT departments are increasingly being given tasks that affect the core business of their company: IT is now considered one of the key factors in value creation.

Tableau de bord de gestion de projet

If an IT department wants to support the growth of its company, it has to manage the execution of its projects in the best possible way. And it is precisely here that the project management dashboard quickly becomes essential for effective management of an IT department.

If you want to improve your processes, you must first be able to evaluate your current practices: this is the best way to find out whether the methods implemented are effective and enable you to achieve your goals. A project dashboard therefore enables you to manage the operational aspects of IT projects, in both the short and long term, but also:

  • ensure the optimal execution of each project
  • structure effective internal communication
  • analyze trends thanks to visibility across all projects
  • monitor the progress of each project with regard to the goals set
  • involve employees by assigning them individual goals

How to choose the appropriate indicators for your project dashboard

A few principles to follow for optimal portfolio management

When developing indicators, it is important to respect certain formal rules to ensure that they are relevant:

gestion de portefeuille optimale
  • name each of the indicators.
  • define each indicator and ensure that each employee uses the same definition.
  • match each KPI with a goal - quantified if possible: otherwise, they lose almost all interest.
  • indicators must analyze the past and the present, but also future events: they are not only used for reporting, but also for steering.
  • indicators built around (dynamic) processes are just as important as those that evaluate (static) results: don't limit yourself to one of these two types.
  • make sure your indicators can be compared with each other whenever possible.
  • remember the frequency with which your indicator will need to be updated (half-yea
Vos indicateurs de tableau de bord projet

Build your project dashboard indicators based on your organization's ambitions

Some dashboards have already thought through the choice of relevant indicators and are designed to be adaptable to all, or at least to a large number of companies. However, taking the time to develop indicators customized to your organization is still the best solution.

Each company has different goals and its own characteristics. Using a universal dashboard template can therefore only be of limited effectiveness. On the other hand, a project management dashboard with indicators designed according to the ambitions of a company will necessarily be more effective in supporting the management of an IT department.

But building criteria taking into account the context of the company (its employees, the projects carried out, the results desired) is time-consuming and complex. Indeed, it requires in-depth knowledge of each of the organization's activities. Therefore, we strongly recommend involving business managers in the development of the dashboard and its indicators.

Get business units involved in defining indicators

It is not uncommon for business units to be given very little input into how IT department dashboards are designed. And yet, these business units are the recipients and users of the vast majority of the solutions that IT teams work on!

Engagez les métiers dans la construction des indicateurs

Involving the business departments in the construction and implementation of the indicators on your dashboards allows you to judge the progress of your projects according to the criteria that matter to the end customer. This is therefore the best way to check that the delivered product fully satisfies its users.

Therefore, we recommend creating these indicators by forming working groups made up of business managers and members of your IT department.

To sum it all up, here are the two main rules to follow when developing dashboard indicators that will boost your performance:

  • Consider your indicators in relation to the specific characteristics of your company
  • Co-construct them with the relevant department managers

By following these principles, you maximize your chances of creating a dashboard that truly simplifies the management of your IT department.

Companies are placing ever greater importance on innovation: digital projects are multiplying and their success has become a prerequisite for the organization's competitiveness. As a result, companies have increasingly high expectations of CIOs, who often find themselves at the heart of new strategies.

Our project management dashboard was created to enable the IT Department to respond to the needs of the company and to collaborate closely with the various departments.

Find out how AirSaas can help you