Transfo Pros

pragmatique et humaine de la transformation de leurs organisations


Pragmatic resources to get straight to the point


2 events per month (in-person and live)


A dedicated relationship manager


For even more activities and events, the club may one day charge a fee - but right now it's free, so enjoy!

meet and support each other

Thomas Sagnimorte

DSI at Millet Mountain Group

Great tool that allows us to streamline the management of our project portfolio. I recommend!

David Leaurant

Director of Organization, Information Systems and Innovation

A shared vision of projects within the team, more reactive arbitrations, a support for presenting the Project Roadmap... all with formalized rituals and common milestones but adapted to the perimeters.

Marie-Odile Lhomme

Chief Digital & Information Officer-Member FrenchWomencio-Administrator CRIP-VP @Arce Future Women-ESSEC Alumni Chief Digital & Information Officer-Member FrenchWomencio-Administrator CRIP-VP @Arce Future Women-ESSEC Alumni

A great project and a real dynamic of a transversal IT and Business team at the service of the management of the project portfolio Audencia Marion Jaffré Mélinda SCHLEDER Maryline Breton Thomas Kerbiriou. A great AirSaas and Business team dynamic at the service of managing the project portfolio Audencia Marion Jaffré Mélinda SCHLEDER Maryline Breton Thomas Kerbiriou .A great AirSaas partnership Bertran Ruiz! Happy to see the progress day by day... and the first results! We continue!

Clement Royer

DSI - ICT MANAGER at Chiesi France

With the AirSaas tool we were able to ritualize our project review meetings by eliminating PowerPoints and inefficient meetings. This allows us to have the entire IT department aligned and informed about all projects on a daily basis. A really TOP tool!

Jérôme PIROT

Business Applications Manager

A tool is nothing without the support that goes with it. I appreciate Bertran's approach and its practical side. A great experience and a great tool (AirSaas). Thanks Bertran. 👍

Our goal: to make business transformation more effective through collaboration and people

In concrete terms, Transfo. Pros takes you from :

to this
Better practiques

the best tactics to enhance your transformation plan

Gone are the hours spent searching for the right recommendation, the right hack or the tech sheet for a “project framing” workshop!Here, we've put together all you need to transform your organization. Personalize this content to suit your needs - because there's no such thing as a miracle method, only tactics that we create together, with all the professionals involved.No bullshit, just useful tools! In five minutes time, you can grab a tactic and understand its benefits

Join the community
Accédez aux meilleures tactiques pour enrichir votre plan de transformation

marketing plan with simple, practical tutorials

To drive change in their organization, CIOs need to skill-up in marketing and internal communications - a skill that is often given low priority in small and medium-sized businesses.
With our club, you'll learn how to communicate better, using templates and tactics that you can put into action as soon as you need to.
Ready-to-use, and customizable in just a few minutes.

Join the community
pack marketing
Améliorez votre plan marketing interne avec des tutoriels simples et concrets

Experience meaningful events with other professionals

Each Transformation professional has an expertise to share with his or her peers: inspirational live sessions, practical presentations to help solve a member's complex case, as well as fun moments, with drinks between members of the club, and summits in exceptional locations. Who said IT had to be boring?

Join the community
événement Los Pro de la Transf.
événement Los Pro de la Transf.
événement Los Pro de la Transf.
événement Los Pro de la Transf.

the club add value for me?

If you're in charge of accounting, we're really going to have a hard time serving you 😣 But if you're one of the following two, you're going to love it!

Testimonials/Quotes from customer

“It's a delight to see this community grow, and to meet even more women and men committed to transformation event after event. There's a great mindset in the club: it feels great to expand your network without dozens of direct contacts.”

Stephane Boisson

Stéphane Boisson

CIO Comexposium
Transfo. Pro since 2020

I'm CIO or PMO managing a transformation plan

with AirSaaS

Reinforce your beliefs about transformation: the community shares your vision of a necessary, urgent and organized transformation that benefits organizations.

with AirSaaS

Hack your own organization: benefit from tactics to get around the challenges of implementing a transformation plan.

with AirSaaS

Never be alone again: peers and experts are accessible and available to help you. Discuss your problems, find solutions or ask to be connected with one of our members. A dedicated point of contact is on hand to guide you.

with AirSaaS

Seize opportunities: find the right expert to handle a bottleneck, source the right talent to complete your team, discover the tech solution that will change your life. Networking is good for business - it's proven!

with AirSaaS

Have fun: because transformation is also good fun! Meet up with other members of the community for informal events, happy hours and summits.

Testimonials / Quotes from customer

“Staying independent while enjoying a professional network that shares my vision of transformation is great! This club is a community of pragmatic and challenging change facilitators who love meeting IRL. Good times, coupled with food for thought, shared practices and feedback, simplify networking and help the community to grow.”

Caroline Raveton

Caroline Raveton

CIO & Consultant and coach in organization & transformation
Member since 2021

I'm a freelancer, Transition CIO, Transformation and Change expert

avec AirSaas

Reinforce your convictions about Transformation: the community shares your vision of a necessary, urgent and organized transformation of organizations. Take part in writing the future of Transformation.

avec AirSaas

Enrich your products: take advantage of key tactics to make a lasting impact on the implementation of your customer's transformation plan and organization.

avec AirSaas

Experience “Give First”: receive X10 what you invest, effortlessly, in your network. A piece of advice or a recommendation for a peer or a CIO is your guarantee of getting the best REX from professionals in return, and thus over-delivering on your services.

avec AirSaas

Seize opportunities: the club handles professional services for AirSaas, a pipeline is now open to you. But tomorrow, imagine regular exchanges with hundreds of CIOs and PMOs with a cultural fit... You get the idea?

avec AirSaas

Have fun: because Transformation is also a whole lot of fun! Meet up with other members of the community for informal events, drinks and summits.

Why not join a community that really breaks down silos?

In the Transfo. Pros club, you are never alone! Each month, your dedicated relationship manager calls you to find out about your current challenges, and to connect you with a member of the community who can provide you with the best solutions.

How do I join the

avec AirSaas

Let's meet and talk 30 minutes to be sure we meet your expectations.

avec AirSaas

It's a match? You become a member of the Transfo. Pros community, introduce yourself, and we welcome you!

avec AirSaas

You are on board, and no longer alone in your job or missions. You benefit from the club, your peers, events, resources and business opportunities

Why we created this community

After launching the CIO Revolution podcast and AirSaaS, the modern PPM tool, we wanted to help all the people we meet networking and helping each other pragmatically on human, organizational, and technical issues. Because there is an emergency. Crisis after crisis, transformations are becoming more and more complex, and cause a systemic risk to the whole of society. We are convinced that it is by breaking silos that we will collectively develop skills to transform our organizations. That's our “Why”.

Les Pro de la Transf.
votre réseau avec vos pairs

your network with your peers and much more!

You have to break silos. The issue of transformation is transversal, and by meeting with different profiles you will succeed in your next challenges. With our dedicated Relationship Manager (Thomas), depending on your challenges, you can help or be helped by a member of the community.