When the steering committee has to prioritize 125 projects in the project portfolio, it's a bit hard to keep track. Everyone has their own “urgent” projects, and filling in the roadmap for the next few quarters ultimately depends on who's talking loudest or who's best buddies with the CEO.
Reduce complexity by asking each team manager to prioritize on his or her own. It's impossible to put 5 projects in top1: each one has a priority from 1 to 100, so you'll finally know which ones are really top priority.
Ask managers to prioritize the projects initiated by their team. Two projects cannot have the same priority. Once ready, they validate their choice.
Keep your teams aligned with priorities. When a priority changes, everyone involved in projects receives the information.
In your portfolios, display the priority of each project as validated by the team in charge. This information, coupled with other prioritization data (budget, criticality, etc.), enables you to make informed choices.
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It's quite simple: if the project has no prioritization, it doesn't appear as a business priority on the roadmap. That helps :)
To be able to prioritize cross-organization, you need three things. First, each manager must prioritize his or her needs. Then you need a shared definition of what is vital to the organization. And lastly, you need an estimate of the time and potential gain for each project. This Airsaas feature takes care of the first point.
Don't worry, everything's clear. You can reprioritize, explaining to everyone why you do so.