Bertran Ruiz

CIO Revolution : The modern CIO podcast

The podcast to understand how the CIO job is changing. From a technical profession to a business-oriented profession, the CIO is the key to the transformation of our companies.

Every week, Bertran Ruiz talks to the CIOs and CIOs who are involved, and share their experiences with you. A compendium of knowledge and learning.

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L’agilité est morte, vive l’agilité ! Claude Aubry

L’arrivée des gros outils comme jira a fait perdre l’idée de la simplicité qu’il y avait dans l’agilité au départ, avec une agilité qui est devenue de la bureaucratie

CIO podcast

All businesses are changing.

Technology is increasingly present in all sectors. No sector is spared.

The CIO is at a crossroads.

The CIO is above all the person who supports the company's digital architecture. It is the backbone of a company's digital infrastructure.

In 2015, the number of CDO appointments showed that the IT department was not up to the challenges. Stuck in the legacy, cut off from businesses, anti-cloud, it has not been able to carry out digital transformation.

But since 2020 I have had the opportunity to meet different CIOs:

  • CIOs: Cloud & SAAS first.
  • CIOs who want to be a partner of businesses and businesses
  • CIOs who help businesses gain momentum in the digital world
  • Inspire the whole company through the agility of its teams
  • Co-constructs the company's business model with the CODIR

Could the CIO finally be the conductor of digital transformation? The linchpin of digital transformation?

The CIO should no longer be the unknown person sitting at the board, or worse, dependent on the DAF. He must become the conductor of the system, of the transformation of organizations, our companies need visionary and daring CIOs.

I suggest you make your opinion by listening to the episodes of the CIO Revolution podcast.

The CIO Revolution podcast is powered by AirSaaS

AirSaaS is a digital platform dedicated to CIOs and CIOs who want to manage the digital transformation of their companies by being a business partner.

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