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How to write a project scope statement

Posted by
Simon Vacher
The AirSaaS Blog

When defining the scope of a project, one of the first steps is writing a project scope statement.

This statement is a short document that allows everyone to see at a glance the main elements of the project's scope and the work that needs to be done. It is part of the flash report that can be sent to various stakeholders. Starting your project without it is a mistake.

Création d'un projet
Setting up a project

What is a project scope statement?

The project scope statement is a document that defines the scope of a project, its boundaries and goals.

It is one of the first tasks of project initiation, transforming the idea into a project with a guiding framework.

The scope statement should be succinct and sum up all essential project elements: resources, stages, requirements, responsibilities, milestones, deliverables… etc.

One of its main benefits is to make sure that all stakeholders are on the same page. It is a very important part of the communication plan.

Thus, the scope statement is important in the scoping phase, it sets out the specifics of the project in writing and ensures that both the client and the project team are all on board.‍

note de cadrage projet
An example of a project scope statement in the Airsaas software

Why is your project scope statement important?

One of the main purposes of a project scope statement is to establish the outline and the major components of a project. Anyone who has managed a project in a company knows that anything not put in writing may not be acknowledged by all involved parties. Additionally, if your client is involved, it helps them truly understand what's at stake in the project.

Therefore, it is recommended to set your goals and responsibilities well in advance, as well as identify priorities, allocated budget and risks to monitor.

Why you should write a you need a project scope statement

  • Ensure all stakeholders are aligned with the project's needs, resources, scope, and solutions.
  • Define the project's macro organization.
  • Identify the project's benefits.
  • Define risks and key points to track.
coût et délai du projet
Budget and schedule

To sum it up, a project scope statement increases your chances of successfully completing your project.

Download our project scope statement template here :
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What is a project scope statement used for? Who is involved?

The project scope document is often written and shared at a meeting that gets all the stakeholders  in one room (client, project team, steering committee, etc.).

It lays the groundwork for further stakeholder discussions, this is why it must cover the entire project and include all essential elements.

We recommend that each element be concise enough for every participant to understand it at a glance!

Un note de cadrage pour tout type de projet
All projects must have a project scope statement

How to write a project scope statement?

Let's be honest, there is no perfect template that suits every project scope statement.

The most suitable project scope statement matches your company’s specifics. What is the company size? What is your activity? What is the project's challenge? How do you handle project management?

The first step before writing is to discuss with each stakeholder so as to understand all the challenges and expectations of your clients and gather all needed information from the project team.

However, we can share several points that are often found in such statements. We recommend you embrace them and adapt them to fit your project.

  • Project justification and description
  • Who is the end user and what are the expectations
  • Goals to be achieved
  • Boundaries: what will or will not be done
  • Project stages and milestones
  • Project requirements and constraints
  • Resources and budget
  • Timing
Description projet
A good description is essential

Finally, keep in mind that while you can adapt it according to the specifics of your project, a project scope statement must meet two important requirements:

  • It must provide an overall vision of your project;
  • It must include all the elements that you consider essential.

What are the 4 typical components of a project scope statement?

The following criteria are important to address in your scope document as there will be times when the demands of stakeholders (and sometimes from the team) will sneak in and jeopardize your timeline, your budget and your spirit!

Project description and deliverables

Provide a clear overview of the project's deliverables. Avoid any confusion by clearly outlining what work will be produced in order to meet the goals.

This is a straightforward description of all the work that needs to be executed and it should also include specifics that accurately describes the project.


You've already listed the deliverables you're going to provide but sometimes it's just as important to write down what you're NOT going to deliver.

This allows you to avoid awkward questions or requests such as “but aren't you going to...” right from the start of the project. Indeed, it's all about setting expectations and avoiding any misunderstandings around the work you have planned.

Product or project acceptance criteria

Just like transparency and precision, your project scope should help you to agree beyond the general goals on what will be delivered and leave no doubt as to the end of the project.

Acceptance criteria can be measured, achieved and used to prove that the project is complete.

This notion is very close to functional requirements but for the scope document we must keep a high-level view of the project.

Beyond the sometimes very personal final approval of the stakeholders, the acceptance criteria will allow you to sign off project validation. Now it's your turn to sign the end-of-project minutes!

Tacit or explicit agreement?

Project scope statements lead to agreement by their very nature but sometimes you will need proof. So include a signature field in your scope document and ask your main stakeholder or project sponsor and why not all participants to sign the document.

Remember, writing a project scope statement is a skill learned both theoretically and practically. So with practice, the project manager will be able to identify the essential items and learn from them.

With determination, you'll end up with the template you're looking for.

Project scope statement:  examples and templates

Providing a comprehensive and precise vision can sometimes be challenging. Creating a mind map can help you better visually organize data, ideas and ultimately present the content of the project scope statement.

This method gives access to a global overview as well a detailed breakdown view in one place.

Exemple de Mind map de synthèse de la note de cadrage projet
Mind map project scope statement

A mind map does not replace the document; the goals of each are very different. A project scope statement includes organized arguments, nuanced writing and details. Whereas the mind map provides a synthetic view of key information, macro planning, etc. This approach to change management supports effective decision-making.

To create this map, you have many options. There are hundreds of software providers. From an easy desktop software to interconnected SaaS platforms with cloud services... The most used solutions are MindManager, X-Mind, and Mindmeister for the paid versions. For the free version, Freemind is the reference.

Now, you have everything you need to include this new synthetic view into your project communication plan.

The five W's method for writing a project scope statement

The five W’s (Who, What, Where, When, Why) is one of the best practices to follow because it leads to a thorough questioning of a subject. Combined with mind mapping, it results in a structured yet straightforward content. Commonly used in project management and quality management as an initial approach to root cause analysis, this common framework will help your project manager to organize the information of the statement for your company's stakeholders.

Adapting the Lasswell Matrix for the project scope statement

  • Who? Who requested this project, who can we work with, who is the client…
  • What? Project description ? Expected outcomes? With what, in relation to what...
  • Where? Project location, workplaces, various departments,...
  • When? From when, until when, within what timeframe...Dates, periodicity, duration... Why now? Project stages/milestones, timeline...
  • How? How, under what conditions, by what method...? What governance structure?
  • How much? Available resources, budget, etc.
  • Why? Goals to be achieved. Cause, factors, purpose…

Project scope statement and resource management

As mentioned previously, the project scope statement should allow a quick overview of resource allocation for all tasks of your project. However, assigning the right resources, in the right quantity, at the right time and in the right place is an art: the art of resource management.

We recommend you spend some time planning resource management if you want to maximize your chances of project success.

Equipe projet
Acknowledge team members

Acknowledge team members

Last but not least, in the statement name the people involved, their roles and specific responsibilities. We all know that the availability of team members is often greatly underestimated. Alongside the sponsor and project manager, the roles of the PO and the digital referent are sometimes almost part-time jobs! As soon as you set up the project, name and truly acknowledge the people who are going to be involved and asked to step out of their comfort zone.

Thi article may not be exhaustive but it's enough to get you started writing your statement!

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