Improve Project Framing and Facilitate the Transition for My Successor as Interim Manager

Thibault Baheux
Interim manager/RSI/Founder of the sites and
Project Management
Date Testimonial
Number of employees
Social Housing Landlord
Social Housing Landlord
AirSaaS users
Favorite feature

"La prise de conscience commence à se faire dans les CODIR. Ce qui leur manque par contre, c'est d'avoir une vision concrète du portefeuille de projets de l'organisation, et c'est là qu'entre en jeu Airsaas."

Thibault Baheux

RSI Mesolia - independant consultant -
AirSaas User

Before/After AirSaaS

Avant AirSaas

Absence de vision globale des projets, listés dans des dizaines de fichiers word, excel et powerpoint


Projets pas assez cadrés


Informations clés sur la vie des projets non disponibles


Rituel de revue de projet hebdomadaire avec un fichier prowerpoint chronophage

Après AirSaas

Une vision concrète du portefeuille de projets de la DSI


Un cadrage projet collaboratif et uniformisé , guidé par des best practice


Un support pour transmettre les clés du pilotage à son successeur


Remettre un cadre simple de reporting en temps réel.


Thibault is a passionate transition manager who likes to share his ideas and democratize project management! In fact, he is fact both PMO/Independent Project Manager /Interim manager at Mesolia two days a week, and founder of the websites &

The interim manager job consists in using an experienced executive to solve a problem: Interim steering committee, Project Management, Crisis Management (growth, restructuring, turnaround). Highly operational, interim managers provide operational and pragmatic solutions in a short time. Today, 15 AirSaaS licenses are used by Mesolia Housing's IT department with, in the long term, a second social innovation service. The departments and the general management do not yet have access to the Airsaas tool.

The challenge: having a clear vision and preparing for the transition of my client's project portfolio

Arriving as a part-time interim manager, Thibault is responsible for managing the technical projects of the IT department. And he intervenes on certain business projects as soon as there are technical elements involved.

When he asked for more information on some projects, he realized that,”Sometimes the vision is not so clear”. Either because the stakeholders did not understand the scope, or because such a project, which should have been carried out by the department itself, had ended up managed by the IT department.

In addition to management, Project Framing Had To Be Improved Sometimes.

A second challenge has been identified: The capitalization of information In order to prepare for the arrival of Thibault's successor.

Finally, a third challenge was to Reinforce a Weekly Project Review Ritual. A meeting “that worked well”, where the main IT project leaders meet. A ritual that nevertheless required updating a PowerPoint, having the right information... This generated long discussions on the decisions to be taken, and on the vision different people had on things.

The Solution

Today, Thibault uses AirSaaS for these three use cases.

In the first place, to Frame his client's projects, and Enjoy a global vision on the project portfolio.

In fact, Thanks to AirSaaS, Where Project Framing Sheets Are Used Collaboratively, He Was Able to Both Bring Out Clarity and a Homogenized Project Culture!

“J’ai utilisé AirSaas pour aider la DSI à concrétiser la vision et recadrer les projets transverses existants.” 

By tracking who is involved in each technical project and what role each one has, Thibault was then able to Focus on the milestones and risks of these various projects, And on the decisions to be made - or simply On Who Should Take Them!

After this first stage, he plans to be able to build the profession on top of it.

“AirSaas m‘aide clairement à cadrer, ça me donne une vision d’ensemble, souvent j’interviens dans des contextes qui sont compliqués,où les projets sont tous prioritaires, pas forcément livrés en temps et en heure, il peut y avoir des dépassement de budget,   des  échéances en retard, un cadrage pas executé… et ça m'aide vraiment déjà à avoir une vision d'ensemble  de qu'est-ce qu'on a aujourd'hui en terme de portefeuille projet,  qui est-ce qui qui est prioritaire ou pas ou est-ce que les équipes en sont aujourd'hui, quels sont les pain points…”.

He also says that using AirSaaS underwent the transition with his successor two weeks before his arrival.

“I use it to properly align all the goals and the scope of the projects, in order to facilitate the transition with my successor. The project portfolio is organized, updated, the risks, points of attention, decisions: all of this is added to AirSaaS, as well as the actions taken and what needs to be done.”

Finally, Thibault confirms that “The tool made it possible to set up a simple framework and to offer real-time reporting.”

Why is Airsaas unique?

“I would say the tool is simple and intuitive!”

Even if you are not used to project mode, even if you are not used to manage projects or framing them you are really guided step by step within the tool. And without having to complete each step either - that's something that really pleased the two directors we worked with.

Your favorite feature?

Compte rendu sur AirSaas
Entering reports on AirSaaS

It's the integrated report. I like this integrated report because I have several people in the team who work on different projects... And before AirSaaS we had no tool.. it was Excel... (dozens of Word, Excel and PowerPoint files, to be more precise)! And I spent my time with the team looking for who was doing what. And as things move quickly, we have a lot of projects (70 exactly), a lot of POCs, etc.

The problem as a manager is to be up to date, especially as an interim manager, since I am not in the company full-time.

The tool allows me to say “well guys we put the information back into the tool. and if that's not the case, let's have a live reporting session.” In one click, you can insert decisions to take, risks and unresolved points of attention.

Thibault Baheux

Thibault Baheux,  consultant indépendant en gestion de projet /  RSI Freelance et fondateur  des sites et

Manager and Cloud & IT Outsourcing Project Manager, he managed teams of up to 40 employees and strategic projects worth several million euros. Today, as an independent project manager, he works to develop teams, write tenders, and manage projects.

His themes: project management, agility and team management

His mantra: Learn and improve every day!

His specialties: Transition Management & Project Portfolio Management, IS Security, Cloud Migration, IT Redesign & Optimization.

« On cherchait un outil simple et pas usine à gaz »

Cyril Mallet

Deputy CIO Paris Chamber of Notaries

“Il y a bien entendu un grand nombre de risques au sein d’une entreprise, dont le fameux risque financier. Néanmoins, le risque IT et le risque cyber sont devenus, en quelques mois, les risques numéro 1 de la liste.”

Alain Gaudefroy


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