It is time to asses a few months after the implementation of AirSaaS within the IT department of the Paris Chamber of Notaries. This organization brings together the 2014 notaries who practice in the Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne regions of France.
Our guest is the Deputy CIO. After a traditional career in IT services, the need to see projects live on for a long time was stronger... So Cyril crossed to the other side: the “customer side”.
Initially hired to set up the project team and structure projects, the team grew and the need for management with it. After discovering AirSaaS through social media, the implementation of the tool was carried out with the help of a member of the “Transfo. Pros” community.
This “transformer” immediately tells us that he like it when something at the input will produce something at the output.! And he played a game of Before/After AirSaaS in this testimony.
By growing the project management team, “that's where the problems started” he humorously confided. When you run out of time, you need to have a tool that helps you manage your activity, show what you are doing.
Cyril was looking for a tool to structure dialogue with senior management without wasting time. Here are the three goals he pursued:
If you want to do really effective, relevant reporting with standard office tools, you can spend a lot of time. It is extremely time consuming. And the data is never necessarily up to date. He summarizes by saying, “At one point in time, it was difficult to have a complete picture of everything we were achieving.”
Second, Cyril needed a tool for projection. He tells us that while he was able to give a vision of what the team was achieving, he did not have a formalized projection of the backlog, of everything that was also pending.
We were unable to quickly create a “big picture” of what we were dealing with and everything we had in store. Looking into the future required a lot of effort.
The idea was to answer the question” Are we capable of dealing with everything that is required of us - or not.”
This point bothered me. When an information system starts to be quite important, the part of legacy and maintenance takes on a fairly important place and we could not make it sufficiently visible.
Everything you do day by day to make the information system available, so that the applications are efficient, redundant, secure, etc. All this was not visible. It was also the challenge with the implementation of AirSaaS.
We worked on this point with an independent consultant who was an Airsaas partner.
For our Deputy CIO, AirSaaS proved to be the answer to his most pressing needs.
It allowed us to better structure our meetings with senior management by limiting the loss of time and by facilitating decision-making based on a clear vision of our activities. It also promoted better collaboration within the team by making project monitoring more transparent and accessible to everyone.
In addition, the tool helped organize weekly rituals, allowing for effective monitoring of projects. He also ensured that the product was up to date every week, which helped maintain a clear vision of activities and facilitate decision-making.
The project backlog has been integrated into AirSaaS so that it is visible, and that everyone understands that the team is not twiddling its thumbs waiting for business needs!
”AirSaaS is part of the team's rituals. Keeping the tool up to date has become something systematic, something essential. And by the way, thank you for the reminder function for the automated weather update!”
Yes! “smart views.” Whether during a technical presentation or a general management meeting, you enter it once and depending on your context you will present the information that is relevant. I think it's one of the great added values of Airsaas.
“Even if it requires some gymnastics to check off what you want to show or hide, it's still a huge time-saver.”
Let's say it: with the tool we have a framework that meets 90% of our needs for our internal reviews. However, in some use cases, we would like to be able to have a little more freedom in setting up the flash report, in which we sometimes lack certain sorting features.
Also, an improvement in the view of the program, which is under development, will be very interesting for us.
Finally, what I like about the Airsaas team is that it stays very close to its customers, either through regular communications, or through live chat or during events. There, for example, we had a detailed presentation of the roadmap of the year's developments, and we had a real dialogue.
Having worked alongside certain project management tools that are extremely heavy, with which only a small percentage of the features are used, adoption is different with Airsaas.
“AirSaaS has a mission, and I think it fulfills it easily, simply. There are no instructions inside this tool, but you can quickly get used to it, including in its settings to add criteria etc.
Airsaas had a good way of thinking: people are looking for a tool to manage their activity, and need a project done by professionals, with professionals, for professionals. And they have developed a community that participates in their reflections.
The other positive point is that, generally, other tools are siloed, vertical for those who are involved in project management.
With Airsaas, it's very different: I can directly open the to the CEO and business departments, to involve other services!
“There is more to the project than just computer science. We thought that this tool will be able to respond to a population other than computer scientists, because it is not technical.
My final message would be: “Keep it up! I like the tool but also the atmosphere and the ambiance they managed to create around it.”
Paris Chamber of Notaries brings together more than 1,700 notaries and 10,000 employees.
Its missions are numerous:
welcoming new notaries,
supervizing studies, ethics and bringing to order those who have failed in their duties, settlement of disputes between notaries and their clients,
organizing training activities for notaries and their collaborators, communication to the public,
Recieving and informing the public so that it can access the law,
Improving Notarial Practices, and Developing New Techniques for Exercising the Profession
« On cherchait un outil simple et pas usine à gaz »
Deputy CIO Paris Chamber of Notaries
“Il y a bien entendu un grand nombre de risques au sein d’une entreprise, dont le fameux risque financier. Néanmoins, le risque IT et le risque cyber sont devenus, en quelques mois, les risques numéro 1 de la liste.”