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Les Pro. de la Transfo.CIO Revolution by Airsaas

Call for tenders and evaluation of a PPM solution (Project Portfolio Management)

Posted by
Jérôme Dard
The AirSaaS Blog

The essentials in a few words...

Imagine for a moment being in the shoes of PPM solution publishers when they receive a new call for tenders. Often, these documents are generic, filled with “copy and paste” from consultants, and based on old consultations that have barely changed. They almost always contain a long list of criteria à la Prévert, ranking functionalities in Excel from “must-have” to “nice-to-have”. It's often the start of failure.

For a committed publisher, responding to a call for tenders means responding to a list of functionalities where, generally, the approach is not clearly defined, or even poorly designed. While technical features are important, they should not overshadow other crucial aspects such as the maturity of current processes, the involvement of top management, the usability of the solution, the strength of its community, customer support, customer support, scalability, and integration with other existing tools. A solution that is theoretically technically perfect but difficult to use or poorly supported can quickly become a burden and not be adopted.

The challenge is therefore not only to fill out a functional scoresheet, but to Project yourself into another paradigm. It is a question of challenging the current maturity of the organization and its actors on the uses related to project governance. Where are they currently in terms of maturity for each process being addressed and where do they want to go?

In short, it is a question of adopting a new perspective for this project, not only in terms of software, but as a socio-technical project oriented on uses. This global vision is what we propose to develop in the article below. Our aim is to sharing our beliefs to help you create your own “3D” view of a PPM tender, with a reading grid focused on People, Processes, and Tools (PPT). And really successfully modernize your project governance!

People + Process + Tools
People + Process + Tools

Good news, you are in the right place to perceive not only the letter but also the spirit of these approaches and tools. After a brief review of the academic fundamentals of the tendering process, we will debunk seven major misconceptions. Then, so as not to forget anything, we will detail the nine stages of a tender, with for each a summary of the key objectives and the means to be mobilized.

Happy reading 👍

Seven preconceived ideas 💡 to fight for successful tenders

With a hundred PPM implementations and our participation in numerous tenders, we wanted to share our vision of this approach by listing the seven main received ideas that we sometimes encountered. We wrote this article to be able to send it to our contacts in the next PPM call for tenders! (why not you!)

Disclaimer: of course we do not claim to have an absolute truth! just we are passionate about what we do with and for our customers and have been working on these issues for almost five years!

❌ Misconception 1: We are in the process of selecting a tool, versus building an approach

Reality: A modern PPM is not a kind of “ERP Project” for the IT department... No! Here we are talking about governance and transformation. (effective) of your entire organization!

Historically, it is true that PPM was a tool centralizing all project data in a more ERP project perspective. Rather, we were using tools that were not very collaborative.

However, as you have noticed, there are more and more projects and these projects are linked to the transformation of the organization at work across silos (horizontal and vertical). Yes and we realize that there is a need for more collaboration and commitment on the part of top management.

A paradigm shift is needed! The involvement of top management is the fundamental building block of the future implementation project.

Because behind the word PPM we will mainly be interested in the project governance of your organization, in how your top management will embark (or not) into another culture!

We will be interested in how your users will be able to visualize all the key information in a single collaborative platform at a glance, how to facilitate decision-making, and save time on reporting.

Let's really keep this in mind throughout the process, what are the new key uses that will change project governance, and how to ensure that we support the adoption of these new habits on an ongoing basis!

For each persona, what are their maturity levels in relation to the process we want to put in place? Then, we are interested in how the tool will be able to support the progress of this process towards the adoption rates that we aim for each of the processes.

“Generally, the tools are siloed, vertical for those who did project management. Now, it is very different to have immediately thought of opening up to the CEO and business departments to involve other services to use this tool! ”

Cyril Mallet AirSaaS user - Deputy CIO Paris Chamber of Notaries

The involvement of top management is indeed the fundamental building block of the ability to prioritize, but also to monitor, to decide, to communicate, to de-risk projects... and all this, on an ongoing basis!

❌ Misconception 2: all processes related to PPM are at the same level of maturity in the organization

Reality: No, the (real) maturity level of each process must be taken into account before you start, for each “persona”. The central question is the rise in charge of people and to challenge current processes on this occasion.

You probably know the main computer principle of GIGO (“Garbage in Garbage Out”)? The idea that faulty or absurd input data produces absurd or “rubbish” outputs.

The principle also applies with a PPM call for tenders. If you are implementing a solution on a low maturity process. In the sense that the expected new uses in governance will not be there if their premises are already wrong.!

Try to provide a Formula 1 to an apprentice driver in accompanied driving... it can work... but it can also destabilize him if there is no specific support!

Yes, not all of your processes are, “iso” nor, to keep as they are. The tender is also an opportunity to update your target organizational model. (Target Operating Model).

In summary: It can therefore be interesting for each targeted persona, to identify a list of the key processes and their current/target maturity level. Establish a kind of maturity pyramid for the organization in its project governance.

It's a bit like the chicken and the egg story. If we are on a less mature process, the tool will certainly help to structure but it will not be the same need for solution and support.

As a bonus, if the persona/process couple is not at the peak of maturity. In our opinion, we must also accept that the tool will be learning on both sides.

We want to look at the adoption rate by process and by persona to better assess the ROI and succeed in a sustainable transformation of governance.

❌ Misconception #3: All-in-one solutions are always better

Reality: No tool will match your Santa Claus feature list!  The key challenge is that your PPM stays connected to the ecosystem of the best tools on the market.

An integrated solution may seem ideal, but it can also be too complex or rigid to effectively meet specific needs. Sometimes, a combination of several specialized tools can provide greater flexibility and adaptability.

Time, resource, demand, portfolio management, project and program management, financial management... for each of these seven major blocks of uses, if we start by listing all the functionalities to be analyzed to cover all the needs of people, we will still be there in three months.! And above all, no tool will be able to satisfy all trades.

Yes, we assume to tell you that it is not worth writing a detailed 100-page specification and preparing a must/nice to have excel scoring card comparing X weighted and (over) streamlined criteria.

In the age of APIs, this is no longer the major issue. If project management in JIRA, Asana or Wrike works... let it work, and connect your cross-functional PPM solution to it.

Outil PPM - appel d'offre
PPM connected to the ecosystem of applications used in your context

In a world where tools are multiplying, it is essential not to have to re-enter information from one tool to another. AirSaaS connects to your communication, finance, development tools, to simplify the daily life of everyone in the company.

Some PPMs, much like ERPs, aim to meet all the needs of organizations on a single software. Many of them are effective, but the lack of flexibility of such a solution once implemented makes it necessary to take the time to ask questions before making a choice.

PPM all in one :-)
PPM “All in One” :-)

Choosing an integrated tool strategy rather than “all in one” will make your PPM tender easier

❌ Myth 4: You have to start with a call for tenders

Reality: No, not necessarily, for example at AirSaaS, we don't always like to work on an initial tender. Why? Because a call for tenders says big, big deployment, big project... We often offer our customers a first phase of POC of the approach and testing the tool for 6 months to a year.

Concretely, instead of extending the RFI and then RFP study phase... the time budget of interns and consultants is used to take action. We propose a first workshop with a hundred questions to assess the maturity of the current organization.

A workshop with you, us and with members selected from the AirSaaS Transfo Pro community (CIOs, PMOs, Transfos Directors, former CEO, etc.) In short, people who have already been there and who know the problems and solutions.

In a second workshop, we return the findings to you. With each of these observations, there are problems. There were organizational tactics that are more or less similar to AirSaaS. There are some, it's very good, there are some others that are very close.

Then, what we define the third workshop is that we will define an organizational project manifest. What is your common lexicon? Already, I am certain that the word project, the word program, the word milestone do not even have common definitions within the organization. Already,

At the end of these three workshops, we will collectively be in a position to project ourselves towards an approach carried out in view of the context and maturity of the organization and its employees on the major processes supported by the companion tool.

Without this approach, the data you rely on will be false all the time. Do you prefer your strategic data relatively accurate or precisely false?

❌ Misconception 5 A PPM tool is magic!

Reality: it is essential to be more ambitious in terms of adhering to the process of animation around the tool and also to take into account the importance of the community behind the tool.

Have you ever heard the phrase “we are very agile, we use post-its”? It's the same for project governance... it's not enough to connect a governance solution, however ideal it may be, to transform!

If we had to quantify (ok it's subjective) we would say that the tool will only represent a third of the solution to the problems addressed by your organization!

Yes, in addition to the tool, the community around the publisher is a guarantee of future adoption.

And, nevertheless, the success of the implementation of another project culture also depends for another third party on the management and sponsors who will be asked to be involved on an ongoing basis. To change habits and rituals.

The last third is of course that of your key users, in particular project managers in all the departments concerned, who will see the tool not as an additional reporting tool but as real support to reduce the number of meetings, limit the re-entry of information, limit the re-entry of information, accelerate decision-making, maintain total transparency on project priorities, and say goodbye to micro-management.

❌ Misconception #6 The implementation phase is not a priority during the selection

Fact: The complexity of implementing a PPM solution is often underestimated. A solution that is easy for teams to deploy and adopt can make all the difference. The involvement of stakeholders from the start of the process is also fundamental.

If the user interface is complex and not intuitive, if it requires intensive training so that employees can use it effectively. The high learning curve will discourage widespread adoption, and most advanced features will remain unused.

To optimize your chances of success rather than an “ERP Project”, choose simplicity. AirSaaS offers a new generation and simple PPM tool.

Simple, because it can be used by everyone. Simple, because it has an ergonomic and intuitive interface, and simple because it will be easy to learn from day one.

“If it's more complicated than Instagram, we lost”

Simon - CPO co-founder of AirSaaS.
Yes, a PPM tool does not have to be complex and expensive to implement. A solution that is easy for teams to deploy and adopt can make all the difference. The involvement of stakeholders from the start of the process is also fundamental.


A PPM should not simply help you better manage your projects, it should allow you to bring more value to the company. For example, AirSaaS allows you to monitor essential indicators and measure the return on investment of your actions.

It is because it was designed with a community of Transfo Pros that this focus on value is at the heart of the AirSaaS solution!

By challenging this misconception, organizations can take a more nuanced and informed approach when selecting PPM solutions, focusing on real value and strategic alignment.

By fighting these preconceived ideas, organizations can therefore significantly improve their chances of success in evaluating and selecting PPM solutions. A well-designed tendering process, based on objective criteria and practical evaluations, is essential for choosing a solution that not only meets current needs but also adapts to future changes in the organization.

This paradigm shift will therefore be based on five strong principles :

  1. Knowledge of the key processes of personas AND of their maturity level current/target
  2. The Test the tool in a situation with real data for a few months.
  3. The establishment ofSupport for Transfo. with a Pro of the Transfo Software with a Service (#SWAS).
  4. The continued involvement of top management in this process.
  5. Se focus on impact and the value!

As you can see, there is no perfect PPM solution. Each tool has strengths and weaknesses. Rather than sending a cold Excel doc, the important thing is to find out which one will “match” the one that will best align with your processes, your corporate culture and your strategic goals.

Read more on our page dedicated to the new generation PPM tool - PPM software

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