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Les Pro. de la Transfo.CIO Revolution by Airsaas

Why develop project portfolio management in an SME?

Posted by
Jérôme Dard
The AirSaaS Blog

Les SMES Have the same expectations at the level of digital transformation Only ETI and large groups, with the difference that their fewer resources and budgets and that internal skills are sometimes less identified or dedicated.

Digital acceleration is here, and it is now vital to equip yourself to pilot and surf this wave with something other than an excel spreadsheet and a power point presentation!

A standardization process project management, assisted by a platform, may prove to be Judicious.

According to INSEE, in 2022 SMEs represented 3.8% of businesses in France, i.e. around 144,400 SMEs in total. Large and medium-sized companies make up only 0.2% of businesses in France, or 7,600 companies in total.

SMEs are indeed the heart of the economic fabric French.

And good news: project portfolio management is not reserved for SMEs and large accounts!

Project portfolio management: definition and uses

Portfolio management, which can also be found under the names” Project portfolio management or “project portfolio management is defined by Wikipedia as”the discipline dealing with projects Taken from a point of view global In a Purpose of selection and arbitration“.

While project management focuses on “doing projects well” - an operational field -, project portfolio management aims to” do the right projects ” - field of decision-making.

Il faut revenir aux fondamentaux : il faut se questionner sur le business, sur les contraintes métiers, où est-ce qu’il est nécessaire d’avoir de la souplesse, etc. Pour réussir à bien lister l’ensemble des attentes, et classifier ces attentes, les prioriser, afin d’y voir clair.

Laurent Béliot

DSI en temps partagé - episode 24 Podcast CIO Révolution by AirSaas

La functional coverage of software platforms associated with project portfolio practices is more or less broad depending on the publishers, it may include :

  • The management of times
  • The management of resources
  • The management of project
  • Management budgetary,
  • The management of rulings
  • The management of Reporting unified
  • The management of wallet Of projects
  • The management of requests Incoming
  • The management of the collaboration
couverture fonctionnelle type des outils PPM
Functional/product coverage of project portfolio solutions

Like the ERPs of the years 2000/2010, some solutions are very, even too broad..., even if the promises of “all in 1” are tempting. Attention to adoption and change management in your deployment... the multiplication of functionalities, the density of the software menu, is Paradoxically a sign of future problems in their use in business.

In the following lines, we tell you more about the content and we share. a pragmatic strategy to implement A solution of project portfolios effectively in your SME. In the other articles of La Transfo's Pro Blog, you will also find a special PPM report.

Project portfolio management in an SME: What are the benefits and for whom?

Bridging the gap between vision and execution. And follow all your initiatives in one place That's the promise procedures and tools for managing the project portfolio!

Quand on est dans une PME, on est à mi-chemin entre le besoin d’opérationnel et le besoin de stratégie. Il faut être capable de faire le grand écart quotidiennement.

Pierre Raschi

Directeur général - Référence DSI - Episode 8 Podcast CIO Révolution by AirSaas

With a platform like AirSaaS within your business, you can benefit from five key advantages:

  1. Project frameworks collaborative and uniforms
  2. Reportings Decision-makers Automatics
  3. Focus On the decisionmaking, the points of attention
  4. Piloting By the milestones
  5. Project report in a single platform.

The acceleration of the digital transition has in fact resulted in increase in the flow of initiatives and projects.

Follow your “construction sites” and project management with a spreadsheet Excel Isn't Plus one option !

To monitor your investments, your strategic goals, modern project portfolio management will help you define a clear scope of initiatives AND execution.

Si on ne fait pas cet exercice de priorisation en fonction du pay back, on peut se retrouver à dépenser pas mal d’argent en transformation digitale pour des projets qui ont un impact business faible sur l’entreprise. L’idée de ça, c’est d’avoir une remontée des projets par direction et ensuite les prioriser en fonction du payback que ça peut représenter pour l’entreprise.

Alexis de Nervaux

CIO & CDO - episode 48 Podcast CIO Révolution by AirSaas

The goals are indeed to focus and prioritize efforts ! Otherwise, there is a risk of falling, not into process agility... but into restlessness and non-prioritization.

Les tools Modern of Portfolio Project Management are therefore located at the same time at the strategic and operational level in your organization.

It is precisely on these two axes that the implementation of a project portfolio management tool will bring added value and benefits, direct and indirect:

  • More than transparency In operation
  • One clear frame and unique for follow The progress ofinitiatives
  • One capitalizing on the projects carried out, of their scoping To their runtime, until Balance sheet project
  • One kanban Decisions to be taken contributing to a new efficiency Of your governance of the transformation of your organization
  • La dissemination of a strong project culture, effortlessly, across the company
  • Finally, more pleasure in using : Get rid of your 1200-column Excel today!

Maybe it's for you managers and SME manager that pragmatism is the most important ! No need to read one of the umpteenth white papers... Get started!

The project portfolio approach in SMEs: a lever for commitment and business

The first failure factor mentioned for the transversal projects that do not bring the expected results is lack of alignment and communication enters IT, professions and the CODIR.

To put it in two words: without transparency, no commitment.

Silos en entreprise
Set of organizational silos, the number is not representative:)

It is from this observation and by the will toI want to help SMEs and SMEs To succeed to work in “cross silos”“horizontal (CIO - business lines), but also in vertical “cross silos” (project manager - PMO - management), That AirSaaS has grown.

Un point indispensable dans la transfo, c'est les aspects de communication. On ne communique jamais assez. En tout cas de façon assez ciblée et efficace. La transformation c'est quelque chose qui peut faire peur aux personnes. Si on ne communique pas les projets peuvent être perçus comme un risque "Ouh la la on va remplacer mon job". C'est clé dans la réussite et l'adoption des changements. Quand on communique en continu sur des sujets chacun a le loisir de réagir. Cela instaure un dialogue qui est très sain pour la réussite de changements structurants comme ceux qu'on est en train de faire..

Alexia Schmitt

CIO - Episode 22 Podcast CIO Révolution by AirSaas

You have a business strategy ? That's all you need To get started with AirSaaS!

Three areas of work will then need to be addressed in order to bring a more cooperative functioning of your project management. Which generates performance versus a typical “over-controlled” operation to avoid the drift of activities.

Strengthen the meaning, the vision

Have a good storytelling of transformation programs/strategic axes. For example: the 2022 commercial excellence program (CRM project, behavioral analysis project, predictive analysis project, website project, etc.) should lead us to join the top 3 Europeans. Otherwise, after a few months, the projects will no longer make sense and the lack of motivation of the teams can quickly be felt.

Redefining the roles and responsibilities of human resources

What is a sponsor? A project manager? A business referent? Is everyone's right and duty in project management? Without rules of the game, no one will be responsible for anything.

Change the rituals and communication on project monitoring

For example:

  • Every Tuesday meeting project manager + business representative of, 5 minutes per project: decisions to be taken, point of attention
  • Every Friday dispatch of flash report to all stakeholders
  • Every month, copil on the challenges of the next month and alignment with the available business time.

With this strategic approach and modern portfolio management software, you will be in a better position to assess projects that contribute to your strategy AND that allow you to:achieve goals and results targeted in an engaging and cooperative manner.

The digitalization of the SME project portfolio approach to innovate despite limited resources

Is project portfolio management an approach reserved for large companies? Definitely not! On the contrary, the SMES can sometimes do better. Why? Because they have intrinsically more agile and sometimes let's say it, for motivation only within an ETI or a large group.

Yes the SME decision cycle is, in general, different from an ETI or a large group. Most organizational silos are not yet “encysted.”

Le premier conseil que je pourrai donner à un dirigeant de PME, c’est d’identifier ses axes de valeurs. Comment peut-on créer de la valeur grâce au digital .

Pierre Raschi

Directeur général - Référence DSI - Episode 8 Podcast CIO Révolution by AirSaas

Do you have no resources/skills available to work on transformation? So much the better. We can absolutely create a strong project culture by relying on tools and an approach. The platforms will constitute a valuable steering assistance.

The parallel with the electric bike is perfect! Yes, even in an environment constrained by the lack of time and resources, adding an engine to your project management is possible.

In addition to your “tools”, management remains a major challenge. Another possible way will be to use a PMO/CDIO/DSI in a time-shared manner.

Les PME ont deux choix. Elles peuvent recruter un DSI costaud, taillé pour le poste mais qui va s’ennuyer car il n’y a pas assez de projets à piloter. Le second, c’est de faire appel à un responsable informatique, plus jeune, que l’on va faire grandir avec la société, mais lorsqu’ils deviennent DSI, ils sont beaucoup trop dans l’opérationnel. Notre objectif, c’est de proposer un troisième choix, d’accompagner ces DSI, pendant un ou deux jours par semaine.

Pierre Raschi

Directeur général - Référence DSI - Episode 8 Podcast CIO Révolution by AirSaas

Conclusions & recommendations

SMEs: 10 key criteria for choosing your PPM tool

1. The design of the interface?

For a Real adoption by daily users, this is the number 1 criterion! Opt for a “Light” solution Versus The software package “all in 1” ERP type “obese” project.

2. Key features... and innovative?

If your need is to start quickly... Avoid solutions with too broad functional coverage today.. Aim for the “Ba Ba” of PPM and key automations. With, for example, the one-click and standardized reporting function

3. The collaborative dimension of the solution?

During the life of the project, How are interactions thought out between transversal actors? Software that stands out from the crowd, in particular, includes strengthening this collaborative dimension synchronously and asynchronously.

4. The vision, the philosophy, behind the tool?

The evolution of methods towards ever more hybrids between agility and the V-cycle will require a flexible approach to the proposed methodological framework. Today everything is a project from 3 days to 3 years...

5. The openness of the solution?

Stop wasting time re-entering data. Modern PPMs are designed as real “HUBs” allowing a set of applications that already exist in your organization to communicate with each other. Whether with your project management tools (Wrike, Jira, Asana) or with your teams communication tools..., Airsas brings together your project data in a dashboard.

6. GDPR and cloud act compliance?

This point is not anecdotal in project management. And too often forgotten in the pre-sales phases.

7. The capacity for reversibility?

It can be expensive or even impossible. This point is not an anecdote. And all too often forgotten in the pre-sales phases. Our advice: ask publishers about their practices and Do a test Of”Rollback“- data export before signing the contract!

8. Safety?

One Check by your RSSI can help ensure that everything is ok to identify and protect access to critical data. Encrypt the data if possible to give you a little more peace of mind.

9. The price of all license types and the set up pack?

Not only the facial price of active user licenses, but also the price of licenses for secondary profiles type: business ambassadors...

10. The publisher and the user community?

Last but not least of the 10 criteria...the men behind the tool? What support, advice and relationships does the publisher offer you before, during and after the sale. Does it offer a user community? What vision of the market does it carry? What communication does he provide on his roadmap?

PPM: Prerequisites and tips for starting an SME

  • Identify and select a few platforms PPM not only via platforms such as Capthera: they have blind spots. Ask your network too!
  • Shortlist 2 to 3 tools,
  • Contact them publishers For a RFI (Request for Information)
  • Establish your priority criteria among those proposed and your organizational context
  • Ask To editors internal or external integrator contacts, as much as possible avoid going alone without support from a general facilitator.
  • Create a pilot group composed of project managers / jobs/sponsor With whom things are already going well... And who wants to change Project approach.
  • On this type of implementation To begin with, we will prefer a gradual approach with a positive implementation tactic, on a small number of projects to “grease the oil” on future general use
  • Set limits for yourself! Achieving a cultural and governance transition is a challenge that is worth it... but at the right pace. :-)

You understood the development of project portfolios in SMEs are among the most able to facilitate your various transitions digital, environmental and organizational. For better strategic alignment, efficiency... and fun too!

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