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Les Pro. de la Transfo.CIO Revolution by Airsaas

Portfolio management: Why do we have to do away with Excel!

Posted by
Jérôme Dard
The AirSaaS Blog
Fichier smartsheet où l'art de perdre son audience, et ses priorités au sein de plusieurs projets
Smartsheet file for project management where the art of losing your audience and priorities within several projects

CIO, PMO, have you already presented this kind of file in a meeting?

Managing a portfolio and project management on Excel is a bit like if your CFO presented you with his spreadsheet for monitoring cash flow! It is his tool, not yours - and even less the one that will involve the stakeholders in a transversal transformation by nature.

It's limited, uncommunicative, not transparent, not comprehensive. This does not make it possible to share the status of projects and to project ourselves collectively on a roadmap.

Our conviction: the modern project portfolio serves to highlight your business and convince! Because yes: the concept of IT marketing matters.

However, many organizations still rely on this outdated management software to manage their roadmaps, ability to do, goals, resources, monitoring, budgets, tasks and management activities. Yes, you have the right to start with management tools such as Excel, for yourself, then export to a Project Portfolio Management that is more attractive for others!

Find out here The reasons to modernize your Portfolio Management, and the keys to do so.

Why Excel has reached its limits for your Project Management Office

Excel ou la star du shadow it projet dans les entrepriss - Source : Foutu code
Excel or the star of the shadow it project in companies - Source: Damn code
  • Limited features : Excel is limited in its functionalities and cannot provide a complete view of the project portfolio. It's not designed to handle large amounts of information, and as the number of projects in a portfolio increases, Excel becomes more difficult to manage.
  • Potential mistakes : Excel is prone to typos, and typos can be expensive. Even the smallest mistake can lead to significant problems, leading to incorrect data analysis and project decisions. Manual entry, copy and paste, and formula errors are some of the common mistakes in Excel.
  • A time-consuming tool: La project portfolio management in Excel takes time. Excel requires manual entry and information needs to be entered and updated manually. This process is repetitive and time consuming, causing delays in achieving project goals.
  • A lack of collaboration : Excel is not a cooperative tool by default. Sharing Excel files and working on them simultaneously is difficult. This creates constraints and gaps in communication, which leads to confusion and contradictory information.

In short, Excel is not a good project management tool, let alone a Portfolio Management tool! So what is the alternative for more effective strategic planning?

The 4 benefits of Project Portfolio Management for businesses

logiciels de gestion de projet et aide à la gouvernance de programme

Portfolio management software offers users, internal customers, a suite of tools and processes designed to help businesses and organizations effectively manage their roadmaps.

Here is a selection, necessarily subjective, of four key benefits of using PPM software for the management of your project portfolio.

Visualization of all key information in a single collaborative platform at a glance

PPM software provides centralized information management, providing a comprehensive view of project portfolios. No more downloading the latest version of the file via Sharepoint or waiting for the next committee! All project data is stored in a single location, making it easy to access and analyze.

Facilitating cooperation and decision making

PPM software is designed to promote cooperation. Team members can share information, collaborate on tasks, and communicate effectively. This leads to better decision-making capacity and faster project completion.

Save time on project reports

PPM software offers real-time reports, providing accurate and up-to-date project monitoring information. Of Reportings can be generated instantly, providing information on the performance and status of the project between the various committees. Data that is accessible, co-editable.

Automated project data entry

PPM software automates the entry of data present in your IS and SaaS, thus reducing the risk of user-related errors, and saving time. Project data is automatically updated, eliminating the need for manual entry.

💬 “I don't have to copy and paste Excel to PowerPoint anymore! ”

🥳 It's the heartfelt cry of a CIO heard during a demo of our product.

Modern uses of Portfolio Management - without Excel

From our point of view, one of the essential aspects of project management is portfolio management, which is too often overlooked, because it involves a your company's critical resource: its top management ! We focus too much on horizontal silos to “crack” by often forgetting the blind spot: vertical silos! The famous legacy of organizational and functional structures.

A Portfolio Project Management tool is not an ERP for the IT department!

project portfolio management : le périmètre fonctionnel général
Portfolio management: the general functional scope

This diagram shows the eight potential macro activities of a global PPM tool that integrates a large number of functionalities.

This being, If a Modern PPM tool is for every person, for the whole company, however, he does not do everything - beware of overpromises !

Beyond the feature contest and From the fantasy of the “one size fits all” tool to do everything, at AirSaaS, we advocate simplicity, efficiency and rapid adoption by each user - not just the project manager.

This is why we offer integrations with the best business tools in their categories (best of breed), those used by your various departments involved in transformation.

Without listing all of them, here are some of these flagship software that you can connect to with AirSaaS:

  • Project management and tasks : Wrike, Jira, Asana, Monday
  • Ticket management and support : Service Now, GLPI, Jira Service Management
  • Calendar sync : Outlook, Google Calendar
  • Communication : Teams, Slack
  • File Management : Sharepoint, Google Drive
  • Tracking of times : Gryzzly, Lucca, Tempo

N.B.: some are already being integrated, others are in the process of being integrated.

utilisation de AirSaas avec l'écosystème d'intégration
Using AirSaaS with the integration ecosystem

A framework dedicated to governance

Theoretical reminder: project governance is a set of processes, structures, and decisions that govern how projects are managed and controlled within an organization. It allows a coherent and coordinated management approach for the management of projects, programs or portfolios of several projects, ensuring that the strategic goals of your company are effectively achieved.

Beyond one Definition “in the style of Project Management Institute”, you must remember the following keywords: coherence, coordination and efficiency. And create a framework for addressing several projects simultaneously without compromising your health. !

We think that, like a project manager, our Codir and Comex need to focus; not on project management but on the core of their prerogatives, on governance roles: strategy, forecasting and risk analysis, budget, scope of projects, decision, vision, vision, investment, resource management, communication... Enough to occupy a person, a team, resources and software, indeed!

Example of distribution of uses between AirSaaS synchronized with Asana

Mise en œuvre de la gestion de Portefeuille de projets et gestion de projet - les fonctionnalités
Implementation of project portfolio management and project management - the functionalities

Where Excel and PowerPoint software focused on giving a static view of a file in an isolated management software, a modern PPM platform will allow governance to play its steering role within a program and project ecosystem at the level of a company.

Like GPS, which helps with management, a tool designed to facilitate governance will be your “safeguard” to prevent excessive bad practices in companies.

The response to the proliferation of transversal projects

Simply showing what is in progress in several projects will make it easier efficient allocation of resources. Indeed, Portfolio Management helps to allocate team resources in an optimal way to obtain the best possible results. It allows resources to be better planned and allocated to the most critical projects or programs for the business.

Prioritizing good projects

Portfolio management also makes it possible to: prioritize projects or programs based on their value for the company. Like the dynamic cross-sorting functionalities in Excel, the different views enabled by an “ad hoc” tool will make it possible to choose the most relevant projects according to their status, their news, changes in milestones, the management of resources in teams, their contribution to the company's strategy and their potential return on investment.

In short, management, not tasks, but allowing a team to really base itself on priorities.

lost in pilotage - Utilisateur chechant à gérer plusieurs tâches / projets d'inno/transfo avec un tableau ^^
Lost in piloting: a user looking to manage several tasks, innovation and transformation projects with a spreadsheet

The abuse of Excel has sometimes succeeded in the challenge of making the very meaning of the work of CIO, PMO and PM managers disappear.

The solution to digitize your project sheets

Therefore, in contrast to the “lover-killer” that the spreadsheet may have been, adopting a tool designed for the needs of project portfolio management will facilitate the dissemination of a culture of sharing -vs- reporting within companies.

That's the whole point of adoption which is raised here. If managers find benefits, project teams will more easily report operational information, needs and requirements in the field to enable Codir and Comex to have a coherent, consolidated vision.

The lever to develop transparency and commitment

Objectif transparence sur l'échange d' informations dans les entreprises - améliorer la gestion de projet
Objective: transparency on the exchange of information in companies: or how to improve project management

In project management, maintaining a regular communication situation with stakeholders; this is not sending or presenting them with a table of tasks to do!

For more than one reason effective communication is essential in business for the success of any transformation program or transversal project. It is important to maintain regular communication with all stakeholders involved in the program or project to ensure that they are informed of the level of progress against goals, results, and progress. Communication should be transparent and effective to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts as much as possible. Platform support can really help teams.

Monitoring and evaluation: Portfolio management allows everyone to monitor the performance of projects or programs and to evaluate them in terms of results, costs and benefits. This monitoring makes it possible to identify deviations from the objectives set and to take corrective measures if necessary.

Modern Portfolio Management is the new must-have

In conclusion of this article on modern Portfolio Management, we can say it clearly: Excel is a “siloed” and obsolete tool for managing activities and tasks around the project portfolio.. This tool has just celebrated its 45th anniversary!

For the next decade, the choice is yours. In the age of ChatGPT4, Multicloud, SaaS, the new must-have has not been Excel for a long time - but some organizations continue to pilot their portfolio and project management with it.

Your portfolio should be “understood”: iNo need to keep your Excel license!

As a CIO, CIO, or PMO, you understand the importance of an effective project management team. You also know that project lifecycle management is not a single, static task, but a combination of multiple practices, each requiring attention to detail and the human dynamics behind the tools. In an organization, Without humans, everything is in vain !

If management software such as Excel allows access to these procedures, PPM software will be your best option for steering and managing multiple projects at the portfolio level, offering a team centralized management of the transformation program, resources, information, goals, automated input, real-time reporting, and real-time reporting, and facilitation of cooperation -vs- traditional project management task control.

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