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Project steering committee: 5 tips for everything to go well

Posted by
Jérôme Dard
The AirSaaS Blog

Show me your project steering committee, I'll tell you which PMO or project manager you are !

A Chinese proverb reminds us of this: “The The fish is always rotting from the head.” Yes: at the origin of dysfunctions within an organization, we often find its leaders and managers.

Succeeding with your Copil project means succeeding in your arbitrations and decision-making. It is involve the governance of a project, those who have power over resources, deadlines, quality and performance.

Problem: the topics raised by the steering committee are complex. The weather disponible It is there limited and finally, the concentration of excess ego is extreme!

Let's add that sometimes there are so many projects that the Codir cannot then participate in all Copils. This can result in an excess of internal “political” play, of indecision.

How, in this context, avoid or eliminate the pitfalls of the group effect, and ensure that the process of leading the project steering committee goes as smoothly as possible? We interviewed our friends CIOs, PMOs and project managers, we drew on our experiences, we re-read all the articles, asked Google... to select 5 best practices we would have liked to know, before our first Copil project...

Here, no basic advice - you already know that you have to make an agenda during a steering committee. We are going to focus on what is not written in textbooks, with a focus on pragmatism and relational dynamics of a project. To discover the fundamentals we have prepared this other article for you to discover: Steering Committee or Copil: The basics 

Tip 1: Agree not to put your IT/Business counterpart at fault in Copil

In a way, establish a”relational contract” : never put your partner in the business/IT project manager tandem in default before the committee. It is not the Copil of one of the parties, it is the Copil of the project! Make it a kind of Golden Rule

This simple trick, if used wisely, won't guarantee an ideal project - just normal and partly peaceful relationships during times of tension.

It should be noted that in a context of teams that are increasingly self-organized and agile in projects, the very concept of single project manager seems more and more anachronistic, even obsolete. Yes, you are a project group, a hybrid “leadership”. For the sake of completeness, let us specify thatto the duo formed by the IT and business project manager, we must add the sponsor. It is this trio who must lead the steering committee..

The project manager must phase before and after the steering committee to align with messages and objectives that are sometimes transversal.

To properly anchor this practice, it can be compared to that which is played out at the level of a family. Let's take the example of a teenager who would encounter behavior problems in middle school... If one of the parents, in order to go in the direction of the child, blames the other co-responsible adults (parent and or teacher), we then start to malfunction. This rift between the three education partners can be exploited and give rise to endless interpretations and debates! The analogy with projects is worth what it is worth, but it clearly shows the importance of the relational contract, for everyone to play their role in a collective framework, in co-responsibility.

Tip 2: No information should be discovered during the project steering committee

All documents; agenda and annexes must be submitted, at least one week; and ideally 15 days, before the steering committee day!

Attention: mastering this basic trick is not that easy. The aim here is to put yourself (a bit) in the shoes of the members of the project steering committee. Because yes, let's remember: send a “slide document”, equivalent to a book of 100 pages to read, just a few days before the meeting is equivalent to giving your target a painful experience.

The driving principle: almost no information should be discovered during the steering committee.

Likewise The sponsor should be kept up to date on critical points included in the agenda. Without having him reread the entire communication plan, you will have prepared and validated the key messages, decisions and recommended solutions.

Finally, ideally, some decisions of the project steering committee will be taken before the meeting between the IT/business project manager and the sponsor. The objective would be to have the validations of the various managers on these subjects. It's all in the preparation.

Tip 3: Be vague, very specific!

Here, we are on a pure rhetorical trick. You are the IT/business project manager or PMO. One of the members of the project steering committee calls out to you during the meeting. If you don't know what needs to be done, but don't want to admit it, use phrases like:”We will look into this issue and give you feedback by next Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.“.

In communication technology it is important, even essential,”to acknowledge receipt of the message” from the sender. In this way, you will ensure that you do not come back to it again, and avoid latent parasitism.

Note it on the by perboard or platform support. You don't say a word about what you're going to do, but the exact time frame creates an impression of certainty. Of course, you should send an update before the deadline. Even if it's just a”Sorry, we had to reprioritize the topic“with a new deadline :-) you will be perceived as a very reliable person, able to meet deadlines and communicate clearly and in advance.

This is a trick similar to that of welcoming and storing off-topic questions in the car park, to keep the focus on the agenda.

Variant to keep the focus: the “fridge/parking” question area

Are you being called in the middle of a meeting on an unexpected question? Write down topics that are off the agenda and set them aside for discussion at a later date in order to ensure that the main agenda is dealt with as a priority and to give participants the habit of focusing and being aware of the tangents, to avoid digressions.

This use has the benefit of keep the steering committee focused on the agenda indicated. Second, the fridge or car park recognizes and makes room for the important points raised by the various stakeholders.

Attention, the question must be really followed up. Don't pretend!

Tip 4: Promote accomplishments and successes

Illustration photo d'un des membres de l'équipe AirSaas

Unlike a project steering committee, where sometimes the main driver is risk monitoring, innovate and invest in the positive ! A simple tip: ritual, whenever the progress of the project justifies it, Thank you 🙏🏻 and bravo ✌️!

Value what works, what worked, the teams. This is a key objective in your communication plan. This will also involve project managers who post successes on internal platforms, sponsors who “like” and comment.

Capture écran plateforme AirSaas - partage succès
Project management that celebrates each team's success

Use each project milestone as a success point. Retrieve the screenshot (s) of the shares written by others than you via the dedicated platforms: it's even better when it's said by someone other than PMOs or project managers :-)

The principle behind this practice is the following: “What you watch grows.” This approach, theorized by management consultants, is more than a trick: it is a philosophy. Because focusing the attention of a committee on the positive will not only value the work and the project actors involved, but can also contribute to develop a culture centered on the strengths of the organization and its management.

In summary: highlight the entire project team, especially business teams. Not to mention the key benefits for end users - the company's customers!

Tip 5: Decide... how to decide

"L'entreprise est une collectivité. Il faut accepter de se mettre en pack de rugby et de pousser dans le même sens ! Le temps qu'on prend à s'aligner ce n'est pas du temps perdu... il est important que chacun ait pu s'exprimer, et comprenne le choix et la décision qui a été prise."

Gilles de Richemond

CEO Fairlyne | ex DSI du groupe Accor, extrait de l'épisode 40 du Podcast CIO Révolution produit par AirSaas.

Establishing or recalling the governance process is fundamental. It is In a way, the algorithm of the project steering committee. Ensuring that each member of the committee understands the methods and phases required to make decisions is essential for effective management.

Below is the equation popularized by Olivier Bas, vice-president of Havas, author, speaker and teacher:

1/2 décision  bordel au carré
Title of a chapter in the book Like your job published by Dunod.

The challenge is project decisions that remain shared and inclusive, and who gain in speed!

As a result, a Copil corporate culture that is radically different from what can be done elsewhere.

Without going into all the details of the implementation (the advantages and disadvantages of each will be the subject of a dedicated article on this blog), let us recall that the main decision-making methodologies in business management are:

  • The decision autocratic : I decided alone!
  • The decision Consultative : I listened to you
  • The decision by consensus : I have a general agreement (tacit or obvious)
  • The decision by consent : I have no major objections.

Bonus tip: Display the checklist of the role and responsibilities of the project steering committee

Beyond the tips, wouldn't the ultimate practice consist in keeping in mind, and reminding Copil if necessary, of the framework: the roles and general responsibilities of the steering committee in project management?

Alongside the project manager, his responsibilities are:

  • Making decisions and making trade-offs with respect to project management.
  • Ensure the smooth running of the project and ensure that it is in line with the company's overall strategies.
  • Evaluate the quality and health of the project at each meeting. If there are issues that need to be improved, key stakeholders can raise them to resolve them.
  • Giving the project manager the power to act and to use company resources to carry out the execution and progress of the project.
  • Resolve conflicts between departments, issues related to budgets and costs, scheduling, risks, resource management, quality, and scope.
  • Monitor project progress against agreed goals and solve problems that do not allow the project to progress on time.

With this selection of 5 tips + 1, you are ready for your project steering committee to become a decision-making moment, a more effective project management process.

However, if you are facing a heated committee and nothing is going well in terms of tensions between two participants, good news: the Transfo Pro Blog has thought of you. Find out how to manage aggressiveness in steering committees? Difficult personalities, reaction in case of aggressiveness? Discover the 7 tips selected to make your office life easier.

Illustration copil projet AirSaas
An effective Copil project will be based on a good project reporting
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