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How do I implement a project approach in my company?

Posted by
Jérôme Dard
The AirSaaS Blog

La project management is also a profession in transformation! Digital acceleration, the multiplication of transversal projects and the “VICA” environment (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) make mastering this art ever more demanding.

In this article, we'll explore in detail. Why and how to set up a pragmatic and (somewhat) standardized project approach. An opportunity to deconstruct some prejudices about the method and to help you develop your effective project culture 🔥!

A quick reminder of the basics

A project is a set of actions that we want to take, to achieve a goal... A word that comes from the Latin “projectum de projicere”, literally” Throw something forward ”!

Beyond the definition and the tools, they are good the key issues of exercising power and achieving transformation of the company that are at stake.

The typical steps of a project approach

Whatever your project management method, a project approach generally respects stages and uses tools!

  • Framing general of the objectives, stages and needs, with the job;
  • Choice of methodologies delivery, requirements, tools, team and project governance;
  • Scheduling macro/milestones/communication plan;
  • Execution and respect for the “cost-quality-deadline” triptych;
  • Tests and recipes;
  • Delivery;
  • Project balanceT and improvement;

Behind this “academic” and ideal table of stages... what is the reality?

‍ The general observation:

  • Almost every business has a heterogeneous project culture And the project managers They also have Of very variable levels ;
  • The IT department has long been at the forefront on these issues, And the jobs that are not too “mature” on project management;
  • On seems to have collectively gotten used to IT projects being late, more expensive and/or “off topic”;
  • Any CRM tool offers a good global vision of sales performance with various reports... In turn, the operational performance of business transformation projects is very difficult to visualize and share....
  • Finally, we often notice thelack of continuous improvement or project review

In summary: the project, Everyone knows... but, generally, no one puts the same definition and realization behind it.

Three reasons why to implement a (real) project approach in my company!

💪 For things to move forward, and really!

The emergence of more and more transversal projects, bringing together different business units has made it essential to use multidisciplinary teams, “out of silos”. This coordination is, at first glance, easier if we bring people together in a period of time and with defined resources. The progress of your projects and, even more so, the efficiency of your transformation depends on it.

🚥 To get out of false prioritizations!

Digital acceleration has as a corollary a increased flow of initiatives . Extra!... unless you don't define a clear scope of initiatives and execution. The goals are good to focus and prioritize your efforts! Otherwise, we risk falling not into agility... but into restlessness and falsehood. prioritization.

Deliver methodically...! Setting deadlines and goals in stages allows you to be effective! Choosing... it's moving forward!

💸 To track where your money and time are spent...!

If you deal with issues in a continuous flow, type “run”,... how do we evaluate the results, the budget and is the added value created?

Project stages or milestones make it possible to regularly offer a precise view of what we do, and what we don't do, of drive by value!

How do you go about effectively managing a project approach?

👀 Change the angle of view

The heritage of years of practice with “by task” project management tool repositories have conditioned our vision of implementation into a task list, schedule and resources,... then portfolio.

Pyramide démarche projet
8 out of 10 chances of “undergoing” an ineffective transformation

⚠️ No! You don't transform an organization by starting out by forcing teams to do project management “on task”, the aim is indeed to structure, communicate and then pilot a transformation plan.

↔️ Standardize several procedures

Beware of the “gun for the fly” syndrome. Not all projects have the same definition... the same constraints and needs in terms of implementation methods. Three main types and their associated approaches will be distinguished.

  • IT projects that are already well managed in Azure DevOps/Jira, etc.
  • important/risky projects where businesses must be strongly involved
  • and smaller projects where the involvement of professionals is necessary but where there are fewer risks.

From this simple division... you will be able to understand a redefinition of the dos and don'ts of project management by category, with a companion tool like AirSaaS.

🏡 Create and sell a transformation plan first...

Une vision claire qui fera "sens" pour tous !
A clear vision that will make “sense” for all!

Broadly speaking, the main phases of an (effective) project approach are:

  1. Je Sell a transformation plan, which gives meaning... for everyone!
  2. Je Channel my original goal, on “short range” projects!
  3. Je “caste” the first project team, with individuals and managers who know each other... and appreciate each other.
  4. In my project management and reporting, I share milestones No tasks !
  5. Je really value this team: the contributors, key users, business managers...

In detail:

I am selling a transformation plan that makes sense!

Let's simplify the task by entering from the “top of the wallet”! The most important thing is tohave a global vision of what you want to do, to prioritize before even saying how we will execute! Because yes, it must be repeated There is no point in putting tasks into projects that we are not going to do !

I'm calibrating my original objective on 2/3 “short range” projects to be successful!

For example, at a rate of 3-6 or 9 months maximum... your first “project babies” will not be premature babies, such as “quick-win” - or future Tanguys, such as ERP projects in perpetuity!

I “caste” the first project teams with individuals and departments who know and appreciate each other...

Far too often we think that task management is what makes us successful. What creates the success of the project... is the team! After all, everyone has their own best practices... the IT department can look for a management team that is already going well... to achieve model successes. This is called the oil stain strategy!

In my management and reporting, I share the status of the project, the milestones, not the tasks!

I am updating the key elements: decisions to be taken, points of attention, milestones to communicate the status of the project to all top management;

I am integrating the other departments into AirSaaS to ensure a unified global communication, and a vision of projects and initiatives that are always transforming up to date.

I send flash reports to a large audience, to stakeholders once a week. (yes yes not once every month...!)

I really value contributors, key users, business managers...

The fundamentals remain the fundamentals: a sponsor that plays its role, jobs that are well involved in the framework... a steering committee... the right tools... a transformation department that really values its contributors with attention to the triangle “Ambiance-sense-salary”!

In summary, for a redefinition of your project management... we reveal to you one of Project efficiency algorithm equations from AirSaaS:

Equation démarche Projet ROI
Team + Steering Committee + flash report + prioritization = project efficiency ²!

⛰️ Transformation project management: the key elements!

Beyond the tools therefore, the approach is about methods and key steps.

Matrice de Knoster
Knoster matrix for a change project approach.
  • Without vision, we create confusion.
  • Without know-how, we generate the fear.
  • Without benefit of change, we reinforce the resistance.
  • Without resources, we generate frustration.
  • Without an action plan structured and monitored, we generate shambles

🤦 ‍ ♂️ Project approach: the 7 mistakes!

  1. Confusing tools and approaches project: the approach will include humans!
  2. Believe that the most beautiful Gantt chart or Asana protects you from failure ! It's the team, stupid!
  3. Confusing project approach and program: the added value must be visualized globally.
  4. Do not (at all) take into account resistance to change in a project: “People don't hate change. They just hate the way you're trying to change them.” Mr Kanazawa
  5. Confusing agility and restlessness : the important thing is efficiency!
  6. Prioritize... too many priorities ! a bit like a junction with flashing orange lights everywhere!
  7. Choosing the wrong tools : “when you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail”!

Key points to remember

  • Let's say it clearly: 80% of projects won't require a Gantt or task prioritization!
  • En visualizing the portfolio, i.e. a set of projects ordered and driven by value between the professions and the IT department, he will become easier to deal with some of the frustrations and to involve Top Management by dealing with fundamental topics: strategy, dialogue and cooperation between silos, budget distribution...
  • Creating the conditions for an effective project approach requires acculturation work and an increase in skills on practices and philosophy that is not only agile... but “pragmatic”! Think not only of project management, but also of change management and leadership.

Once the general fundamentals of the approach have been established, the next challenge will be to move into project mode in detail. Reading this article should help you: How do I put my business into project mode ?

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