25 days to finish everything... challenge accepted!

Posted by
Simon Vacher
November 30, 2023
The AirSaaS Blog


We are 25 days away from the winter break 😱 25 days to complete projects, close budgets and most importantly plan for 2024. Everyone has their shoulder to the wheel while still looking forward to look ahead... Are you ready? Let's go!

Impactful changes

Are you ready to pilot your programs?

You may master steering committee projects on AirSaaS: it's so easy! But until now, to summarize the progress of a program, you had to reopen this good old PowerPoint...

No more! With Nicolas (one of our first ever users), we could not stop there and needed to introduce you with the new presentation of your programs!

poster régulièrement des mises à jour de la météo du programme

The program manager can now Post regular updates on the program's weather.

They appear in the program's news feed, “Information” tab. Program data has a dedicated “Analytics” tab.

And when the program progress meeting arrives, you just need to select presentation mode!

le mode présentation

You then have a presentation containing:

  • A "Program" slide
  • The "Program Projects" slides

It's a first iteration, and if like Nicolas you have lots of ideas for improvement, let's talk about it here!

No more grey weather, we've brought AirSaaS to life 🌈

Users often told us Airsaas' interface is a a bit dull, too gray, not user-friendly...

Not great when you want to bring in all your project managers, members of the Board of Directors, business managers...

So we rolled up our sleeves, brainstormed and raised the question of how to solve this issue - without forgetting there's no accounting for taste.

Our goals were:

  • Making AirSaaS more welcoming and user-friendly
  • Simplifying general readability by removing gray contrasts
  • Not making a rainbow of colors: each color should have a meaning (Green: success, done. Red: alert, error, delay. Yellow: warning)

We are very curious to know what you think. ! Tell us, either:


Change projects' column in your kanban ↔️

Here is the feature that will save you from having 18 AirSaaS tabs open :)

From your portfolio, you can now move your projects from one group to another.

For example: moving a project from “in progress” to “completed” status

Changer les projets de colonnes sur le kanban

What's up at AirSaas?

Hello Paris! Shall we meet?

I am in the process of organizing a week in Paris (and surroundings) to meet users and see how you use AirSaaS on a daily basis. Getting out of the office and going “onto the field” :)

Are any of you available to welcome me for an hour or two, maybe participate in a project meeting? Onboarding a new user? Meet your project manager?

My dates would be December 6, 7, 8.

It's going to be fire🔥

You can answer to this email and we'll get organized :)

Have a good day!


That's all


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