The pleasure of a well-written report

Posted by
Simon Vacher
May 31, 2023
The AirSaaS Blog

“Hello, currently OoO, I will be back next week”

We all got emails like this last month 🙄

This makes it complex to organize your steering committee, and your projects are on standby...

June is going to be a busy month!

What we have prepared for you should come at the right time and save you precious time...

Impactful changes

Write a complete report

We know, until now, you wrote your reports on Word and then copy/pasted them on AirSaaS. Nothing strange: our editor was crap... It should be much better now!

Among other things, our new editor allows you to:

  • Format your text easily (titles, subtitles, highlight, underlined text, numbered list, etc.): the basics
  • Add images/GIFs/documents
  • Create decisions and risks without leaving the report ;)
  • Mention projects/program/people/etc.
illustration du produit AirSaaS

Shortcuts have also been added that should make your life easier.

  • Insert decisions to be made and unresolved risks in one click
  • Insert the latest report on this project


And to go further, we are organizing a special webinar to share with you the best practices for conducting a project review using this new report. We will also show you all the incredible evolutions we plan to make!

🗓 When: Tuesday, June 20 at 11 am

Small things that make the difference

Filter decisions/risks/milestones with project attributes

Let's say you want to prepare a view of “Data 2024 program decisions” or “milestones of vital projects.” It is now possible:

illustration du produit AirSaaS : filtres

All you have to do is use the “Project Portfolio Views” filter, which will retrieve all the elements (e.g. decisions) of the projects belonging to this view.

The report pages!

Do you need consolidated data on groups of projects that are not your organization's strategic programs? (e.g. “projects started in 2024" or “vital steering committee projects”)

We released the “Reports” pages:

illustration du produit AirSaaS : pages rapports

From your project portfolio, filter the projects for which you want to show data, and save your view.

--> You now have access to the report page of this view!

☝️ This feature is in beta and available on request. The deal: we'll activate it for you if you give us 30 minutes of your time, and give us all your feedback on this feature :) Just reply to this email and I'll take care of it!

Optimization insights
  • Display distinction between empty and zero values for budgets and efforts
  • No more duplicated milestones with integrations when quickly adding the manager
  • Completed Monday tasks are no longer shown late
  • You can de-format the text again from the message editors

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