Christmas features 🎅🏻

Posted by
Simon Vacher
December 1, 2023
The AirSaaS Blog

Here we are: it's the final stretch before the short Christmas break.

We have a few surprises to square off your projects before going to buy the last gifts!

Impactful changes

Hop in the control tower 🗼

It's time consuming to know where to put your energy. Either you go into each of the projects, or you create tons of views, or, more risky, you trust your instincts.

We have prepared a gift for you that will save you a lot of time:

View indicators

Choose the indicator and we'll show you the projects that deserve a look at:

  • Weather update > 30 days
  • No update reminder
  • At least one overdue milestone
  • At least one overdue decision
  • At least one milestone without a manager
Montez dans la tour de contrôle

Displaying the last update date

To see directly if you have fresh data or if you have to go fishing for the news :)

Pour voir directement si on a de la donnée fraîche ou s'il faut partir à la pêche aux infos :)

And to prevent delays from getting out of hand... we added a section to your daily email recap:

You are late


  • The projects you needed to update
  • Your overdue milestones
  • Your overdue decisions
Vous avez pris du retard

Coming soon... 🤩

Welcome to the future of project reviews

The goal here is to know in a few minutes the health status of your projects, whether they have been updated, and how to unblock those who need them.

New attributes of the Table view

You can now create an “X Project Review” view by displaying:

  • Weather
  • Weather: date last updated
    Weather: context of change
  • Progression
  • Decisions to be made
  • Point of attention to resolve


Les nouveaux attributs de la vue tableau

Brand new Presentation mode

You must have noticed we have refreshed the Presentation mode. But above all we made it so that it fits all screen sizes by optimizing space for maximum readability!


That's all


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