In October, milestones are stepping up

Posted by
Simon Vacher
October 31, 2022
The AirSaaS Blog


Two months ago, a user told us that she wanted to display projects with production milestones that are due next month on her timeline... Damn, it makes sense but it's not possible...

We, who advocate macro management by the milestone rather than micro management by the task, were a bit limiting... By crossing our needs with those of other users, we focused in October on improving the milestones. Here's what came out during of this month of intense work.

Impactful changes

Give context with new attributes

Beyond the title, a date and a person in charge, we often need to give more details to teams of Airsaas. Here's what you can do now.

Start date

You can now choose A start date for milestones to show phases and better visualize heavy workloads.

Date de démarrage
Start date

Custom attributes

You can now customize milestone attributes from the workspace settings page. For example, you could create an attribute of:

  • Criticality of the milestone
  • Type of milestone (kickoff meeting, production launch, go/no go, etc.)
Attributs personnalisés
Custom attributes

Filter by milestones in the portfolio

The craziest thing is that you can now filter projects by the attributes of their milestones !

Concretely, for example, you will be able to:

  • Show projects with “high” criticality milestones
  • Show projects that are due to go into production next month
  • Show projects with overdue milestones and that don't have a manager

This opens up an endless field of new views to save :)

Filtrer sur les jalons dans le porfolio
Filter by milestones in the portfolio

“Exploded” view of milestones in the timeline

In the presentation view, Nicolas told us “it's painful, you have to pass the mouse over all points to review the milestones”. He was right!

That's why we developed the exploded view, which allows you to better see the distribution of milestones over time.

Vue "éclatée" des jalons dans la timeline
“Exploded” view of milestones in the timeline
Small changes that make the difference

🏷️ Display the “program” attribute on the project cards in the portfolio

🚀 Group projects by “chosen solution” on the portfolio

📡 Filter the portfolio on specific projects

🔌 New endpoints in the API (budgets and efforts consumed)

Les bugs corrigés
  • You can mention a user again on Firefox
  • Late decisions are no longer shown in red
  • Only the decisions and points of attention that are highlighted appear in the presentation
Optimization insights

Non-exhaustive list of the relevant feedback we received and on which we will work:

  • N.P. “I would like to be able to comment on the milestone date changes”
  • T.S. “I would like to be able to filter projects by sponsors”
  • S.B. “The end date of the project is not the date of the last milestone”
  • M.C. “I have to go into each of the projects to see its health status”

You too, have small frustrations (or big ones), or ideas for improvement to share with us? Post them in the Club here !

Thanks again for all your feedback!

We do our best to ensure that the tool brings you maximum value.

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