A well-integrated tool

Posted by
Simon Vacher
December 1, 2022
The AirSaaS Blog

Hello hello,

What motivates us every morning is to provide you with the simplest and best integrated tool to properly align IT, management and business lines That, and a lot of coffee...

Why the best integrated?

Because instead of doing everything moderately, we prefer to focus on our core business (project governance), and connect to other very good tools that are experts in their field (task management, time tracking, ticketing, finance, etc.).

After a year of work and iteration, we are excited to announce the release of the first integrations!

Impactful changes

Synchronize your Jira and Asana projects

When you are deep into execution, you need to go into detail, to list all the tasks, to make a critical path, to plan for the short term... Jira and Asana are great for that.

When stering, you need abstraction, to know the progress of projects without having to go into the details of the tasks. For that, AirSaaS does a great job :)

But going from one tool to another is boring and can lead to a lot of errors...

This is where integrations come in handy! You can now connect your AirSaaS project to your Jira/Asana project and:

  • Synchronize milestones
  • Retrieve the task list on AirSaaS
Capture d’écran 2023-02-03 à 09.29.52

⟶ How does it work, what does it look like? We explain it all here

But that's not all⤵️

Suggested project dates

It's quite painful to have to adjust project dates every time a milestone is delayed, right? (it's displayed outside the blue line on the timeline 😖)

Now we suggest that we do it automatically for you. Modify your milestones and, if necessary, Airsaas suggests you to adjust the start and end dates of the project automatically. Easy!

Find out more in the Club article here

Small things that make the difference

🎭 Hide empty columns on your portfolio views Article

➕ Create a project from the program page

🔬 Filter projects by person involved (e.g. projects where Rob is the sponsor)

🗓️ Filter projects, milestones, decisions using specific dates

Corrected bogues
  • The API page was no longer displayed: it's fixed
  • Profile pictures appear again in the presentation
  • The page dedicated to the description is back in the PowerPoint export
Optimization insights

We still received a lot of super interesting ideas, like for example:

  • S.B. “We need to create decisions and reports by programs”
  • S.D “Some combinations of criteria are not available in the filters”
  • S.M “I would like to add a user group to the projects”

Don't forget to come and take a look at the Club AirSaas to:

🗺 Find out what's happening on the roadmap

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