Getting rid of the thornes

Posted by
Simon Vacher
October 31, 2023
The AirSaaS Blog

Hi AirSaaS aficionados!

We focused this month on getting rid of the thornes: the things that annoy you and slow you down daily. It's all settled: you should now be able to walk, jump, even run towards the success of your projects! Go, go, go!

Impactful changes

The Table view for your portfolios (beta)

After a month of beta-testing and a lot of feedback from our powerusers we are opening the Table view to everyone!

New attributes that are to be displayed:

  • Number of decisions to be made and unresolved risks
  • Initial/consumed/delta budget (in red if exceeded)
  • Initial effort/consumed/delta (in red if exceeded)
  • Project date
La vue tableau de vos portfolios (beta)

The next steps: showing the context of the weather change, the sums, the groups, and any other needs that you can tell us!

💙 1000 thanks to all of you powerusers for your feedback, 55 comments on the Club post, a ton of private messages, you're the best💙

Small things that make the difference

CSV export

A long awaited feature by Excel pros who do not yet find their way on AirSaaS tables and graphs (send us your screenshots to let us know what to add to AirSaas!)

Export projects from the current view with the selected view attributes.

xportez les projets de la vue courante avec les attributs de la vue sélectionnés
Corrected bogues

🖱️ Right-clicking works again on portfolios, sorry to have let that go by...

↕️ You can now scroll the timeline from the presentation when it has a lot of milestones

Optimization insights

But also...

😍 New design of the settings pages. More readable, more homogeneous, more stylish

And finally... 3 things to keep in mind

1 ️ ※ If you work with consultants with whom you do not want to share all your projects, the external users feature is still in beta-testing: contact us and we will activate it for you! More details in the Club article

2 ️ ※ You find that the AirSaaS interface is a bit dull, too gray, not user-friendly... we understand. So we rolled up our sleeves, and tried to solve this isuee. Go check out what it looks like

3 ️ ※ If you dreamed of organizing yournext steering committee at the Stade de France, you'll soon be able to do it! The Presentation view will soon adapt to the size of your screen for maximum readability. As for the reservation of the stadium, we leave it up to you ;)

Don't forget to come and take a look at the AirSaas Club to:

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