Let's start the year with a few surprises

Posted by
Simon Vacher
January 1, 2023
The AirSaaS Blog


Wishing you a happy 2023 on behalf of the entire AirSaaS team!

A year full of exciting projects, where your interactions are fluid, your employees are engaged, your management is aligned, your decisions are clear and taken on time, and let's be crazy: results that exceed the goals you set!

If you're one of our longstanding users, you can see that AirSaaS has evolved a lot in 2022! And rumor says this evolution is not going to slow down this year...

After a week of rest, foie gras and champagne, the whole team got back to work. This year our goal remains the same: to help you have a clear vision of all your projects, to better prioritize, communicate better, value your work, and above all to enjoy working in transversal teams.

Here is a summary of the new features available at the beginning of the year.

Impactful changes

Update the health of your projects on a regular basis!

Capture d’écran 2023-01-06 à 09.07.08
  • When I am a project manager, it is painful to receive daily requests “where are we on Project X?” , “is it up to date on AirSaaS?”
  • When I depend on a project, it's painful not to know when the project is supposed to be up to date

What we've just set up should help solve these problems...

On AirSaaS you can now:

  • Set an update frequency per project and activate reminders
  • See at a glance the latest update from the portfolio. Have you tried to hover the mouse over the project's weather? ;)
  • Show projects that are overdue for updates using filters

In this post, you'll find all our tips to properly set this up

Capture d’écran 2023-01-06 à 08.46.28
Small things that make the difference

➡️ Export PowerPoint from the project page! Finally:)

🥡 The “grouped by” setting of the portfolio applied by default in the presentation

😬 An alert notification before losing access to your private projects

⚜️ An improved design of pinned elements in the presentation

Corrected bogues
  • Display problem in filters for projects with a long title is corrected
  • Alphabetical order works with accents
  • Text formatting is best displayed in modals
Optimization insights

We still received a lot of super interesting ideas, like for example:

  • J.R. “I would like to have a risk matrix with the points of attention”
  • R.C. “I would like to be able to create a solution from the project page”
  • P.T “I would like to be able to duplicate a project”

If you too, have small frustrations (and big ones too), or ideas for improvement to share with us, do not hesitate: post them in the Club here !

Thank you! More and more of you are giving us feedback every week, it motivates us so much.

Don't forget to come and take a look at the Club AirSaas to:

🗺 Find out what's happening on the roadmap

☝️ Suggest new features

💬 Ask all your questions

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