The milestones portfolio... Well, almost

Posted by
Simon Vacher
April 30, 2023
The AirSaaS Blog

Dear users,

I hope you are doing well and that April was a productive month on AirSaaS for you.

For our part, we have worked hard to offer you a new feature to easily manage your projects with milestones. We finished the development early, but ran into a small problem...

Our CTO decided to take a well-deserved holiday before deploying the feature. We tried to convince him not to, but he left saying that he needed to “recharge his batteries” (it's crazy how quickly batteries drain in IT).

But don't worry: the feature will be available when he returns on May 9.

In the meantime I'll show you what awaits you...

Impactful changes

What does it mean to drive by milestones?

When you manage 10 projects in parallel, you can't go into the details of all the tasks.

You have to gain perspective and break down the project into key stages during the framing process. Then, you have to monitor the progress of these milestones during the execution phase.

But how do you see all the milestones of all the projects you arefollowing? And those who finish the next term? Or the important milestones grouped by manager? Or the overdue milestones on steering committee projects?

Thanks to the milestones portfolio, of course ⤵️

Configurez et sauvegardez vos vues en fonction des scénarios que vous souhaitez suivre !

Set up and save your views according to the scenarios you want to follow!

To do this, we have added a new way of grouping the elements that you will like. You can group milestones by due date (week/month/quarter)!

Les jalons ont aussi maintenant une page dédiée, avec notamment la possibilité d'ajouter une description pour donner plus de contexte et pouvoir échanger dans un fil de discussion dédié.

Milestones also now have a dedicated page, including the possibility of adding a description to give more context and to be able to discuss in a dedicated discussion thread.

Les jalons ont aussi maintenant une page dédiée, avec notamment la possibilité d'ajouter une description pour donner plus de contexte et pouvoir échanger dans un fil de discussion dédié.
Save those 2 dates in your calendar 🗓️
  • On May 9 : Besides the return of Matt our CTO, this is the date when you can start using your milestone portfolio :)
  • On May 16 : We're organizing a webinar to explain in detail how to manage by milestones thanks to the new portfolio. It's at 11 am, and you can sign up here.

See you soon for the future. And if you too have a few days off in May, we wish you happy holidays! Enjoy 👋 And if you ever see Matt on the beach, feel free to say hello to him for us.

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