You did all of that!? Yeah... 😇

Posted by
Simon Vacher
September 30, 2023
The AirSaaS Blog

How are you?

Are you back to school yet?

We've made good progress this summer, we've prepared some nice surprises that will give you a good serotonin boost 😎!

Impactful changes

The Table view for your portfolios (beta)

Why do we all love Excel so much? That's because you can easily see and change everything.

La vue tableau de vos portfolios (beta)

Do you want to give a try at this new Airsaas feature? Contact us, and we'll activate it for you in 2 minutes.

The Tabke view allows you to:

  • See as much as possible on your current page
  • Arrange the order of the columns in relation to each other
  • Order the projects manually by click/drop (drag and drop for English)
  • Choose which columns you want to display

We waiting for your feedback on what to add in V2 (let's see your comments on this Club article)

Prioritize your projects without constraints!

You can now move projects vertically to:

  • Prioritize them
  • Prepare their order of passage at the next meeting (this order is retained in the Presentation view)

⟶ Remember to save your view so as not to lose your work

Accessible sur la vue Kanban, liste et tableau !

Accessible on the Kanban, List and Table views!

Invite outsiders without sharing everything

Many of you surround yourself with consultants/freelancers to boost your teams 👌

Until now, that meant giving them access to your entire AirSaaS portfolio... But that was before.

We fixed that! You can now invite outsiders who:

  • Have a limited access to only the projects in which you add them
  • By default do not have access to sensitive project attributes (budgets, program, goals, etc.)
budgets, programme, objectifs, etc.

⚠️ As a first step, we are releasing this feature in beta for 10 customers. If you want to be a part of it, let us know :)

Webinar reminder! (in French)

🗓️ Tuesday, September 26, 11 am

🧑🏼 ‍ 💻 How do I invite a supplier or integrator securely on a single project in AirSaaS?

Sign up here!


Add users directly where you need them

No need to go through the settings anymore: you can add users directly from the selectors of project manager, involved members, decision-maker, etc.

Ajouter des utilisateurs directement là où vous en avez besoin

Choose the type of user and off you go!

Choisissez le type d'utilisateur

You can now select “pending” users (users you invited but who have not yet created their account)!

Coming soon ... 🤩

And that's not all... 🤩

Here's what's new too:

🏎️ We have greatly improved the loading time of portfolios, doesn't it feel like it?

🔔 We improved design of the project update reminder for more transparency

We've reduced the loading time of the milestones panel (for those who add a lot of them to their projects...)

What's up at AirSaas?

One more thing... 😻

If you need a hand on AirSaaS or to report a problem, contact us on the chat. It's not a robot answering you, it's us 👋

contactez nous sur le tchat


That's all


The AirSaaS team

The latest news on AirSaaS

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